Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cookie Palooza 2011, A Retrospective, Part 3

Original post date: Thursday, 12/8/11



So I still can't decide on which kind of cookie to make for the cookie exchange at work on Monday. Would it be wrong to just make them all?



  1. Make them all to flaunt your awesomeness.
  2. That's kind of what I was thinking.

    I told the intern that's running the exchange that I had a cookie palooza last weekend to test a few new recipes and that I can't decide what to make. She said, "I'm glad someone's taking this seriously."

    So I'm pretty sure she was mocking me (hard to tell with this one because she's a quiet one), but I don't care. I'm going to OWN this cookie exchange and all will bow before my awesomeness.

    (I know... competitive, much?)
  3. I've got it. You be my getaway driver and I'll poison (mild, not fatal) their cookies.

I know, that conversation happened several days AFTER Cookie Palooza 2011 occurred... but come on. Funny, right? Because that's totally my attitude: Must. Win.

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